Ask any questions related to our services & products

Do I get full control of the App?

Yes! The app is completely yours, giving you full control over branding, design, content, and pricing. You make all the decisions.

Profits? Does BlissfulBeat takes a commision from my subscription sales?

No, Blissful Beat does not takes any commission. You keep 100% of your course revenue.

What devices and operating systems do the apps support?

The Apps are compatible with the latest versions of both iOS and Android, ensuring your courses are accessible on every smartphone and tablet.

Can I upload the Apps through my own App Store Account?

Yes, This is your app you are free to upload it via your accounts.

Can you add specifc features beyond current customizations?

Yes we can add or remove features from the app beyond current customizations as per your requirements at a minimal cost.
For more details please free to contact us.

What kind of support do I get from any plan?

Not only current features, you will get all future bug-fixes and feature upgrades at no additional cost.

Is there a limit of courses I can create with this ap?

No, there is no limit. You can create as many free and premium courses as you want.

Can I have more than 1 instructors in my App?

Yes the app and admin panel supports multiple instructors.

Are there upfront cost or additional fees?

No, there is no additional cost or hidden fee.

How secure is the payment processing when I sell courses through the apps?

All payment processing is handled by respective platforms i.e, Apple handles payment processing iPhones and Google for Android phones. Hence it is completely secure and your students can purchase courses with complete peace of mind.

Don't find your answer? Contact us now!